Getting Started On Cartne Is Simple

#Watch  #Learn  #Improve

  1. Scan all of the video interviews. Go to the video tab. Use the search bar to find what you're looking for. Start with the FREE ones.
  2. Register with your email to see any FREE video.
  3. Subscribe to either a monthly or annual plan to see the other videos if desired.
  4. Check out the components of each video. These include the full transcript, the audio file, and the summary and quiz (when available).
  5. Join the Community. Build your profile and introduce yourself in the 'Social Network'.
  6. Connect with other members. This includes some of our experts! Use the 'Discuss' tab on every video page and the 'Members' tab under 'Community'
  7. Check out the events tab and sign up for ones that are of interest yto you.
  8. Share Cartne with your friends and on your social networks!

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