How Do I Grow My Fanbase and Increase My Notoriety on Digital Platforms?
Johnny Dwinell
'The Climb'
Podcast -
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Not so long ago, the only way the public knew what music was available was through their radio. But the world is different now, with everyone having access to virtually all of the music ever created! This new audio world requires a very different marketing plan than radio did. And yet, many are still stuck in that old model.
In this video, digital marketing expert, Johnny Dwinell explains how to develop a real fanbase in today's unique music marketplace.
Insights And Advice Johnny Shares In This Video
Larn why even major abels are having trouble breaking artists on radio today.
What Branding Includes
Learn the rules of marketing that drive awareness and interest that are ignored on social media.
Getting Attention
Learn about to get fan attention when all they do is scroll up every 3 seconds.
Fan Engagement
Understand the importance of building relationships with your online fans.
Learn how to turn the casual viewer or listener into one of your super fans.
Marketing Budget
Learn why you need a budget for marketing and how much that should be.