What Do I Need To Know About Managing My Finances and Paying Taxes?

  • Logan Mears

    Caleb Young
  • Financial Planner

    Tax Manager
  • Valeo Financial Advisors LLC

    Blue & Co., LLC
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Note: This video was recorded in April 2024. Tax codes change often, so some of the information may be different from when you see this video. Please consult your tax advisors before implementing any of the ideas put for t in this video.


It's critical to realize that, as a musicians, you are required to pay taxs on all of your income. It's also important to know what you can deduct from your taxes because you are a business owner. That's why you need to get great at keeping records and receipts.

In this video, Certified Financial Planner, Logan Mears, and Tax Manager & Accountant, Caleb Young, team up to provide expert guidance on ensuring that you are complying with US tax laws. The last thing you want is having the IRS breathing down your back, even if you just look suspicious but did nothing wrong!


Financial Information Logan and Caleb Share In This Video

Taxable Income

Learn what income you are legally required to pay taxes on.


Find out how to know what you can deduct from your tax burden.


Learn how to build a financial team to ensure your tax filings are accurate.


Learn about various software programs you can use to track your finances.


Learn if and when you should consider forming your own corporation.

Tax Evasion

Learn what will happen if you don't file your tax returns annually and accurately.
About The EXPERT

Logan Mears and Caleb Young

Logan Mears
My name is Logan Mears. I am a financial advisor working with entrepreneurs and executives in real estate, sports, and entertainment. My mission is to partner with individuals and their families to empower them to make informed financial decisions.

It is widely recognized that personal financial education is deficient in our society. Throughout one's academic and professional journey, there remains a notable scarcity of resources for making informed financial decisions.

The financial services industry is notorious for leveraging the lack of financial education to sell products, create complex fee structures, and not align with their clients.

I partner with and educate you while having aligned interests, a transparent fee, and no product sales.

As life continues to get busier, you likely do not have the time to learn about cash optimization, taxes, investing, estate planning, etc. and it is time to partner with an advisor aligned with you.


Caleb Mears
Caleb Young is an active tax professional working in the Northside Indianapolis area. He is a licensed CPA.


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Logan Mears

Caleb Young

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