How Do I Prepare For A Radio (Or Podcast) Interview?

  • Gerg Anidem
  • Indie Scene Radio

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Radio interviews and being a guest on podcasts are great ways to get fans to learn more about you! Unfortunately, very few artists and writers realize how they should prepare for these interviews. After all, you goal is to be captivating. And one of the best ways is to make it as easy as possible for the show host!

In this video, Radio host, Gerg Anidem talks about how to properly prepare for a radio or podcast interview.


Valuable Information Gerg Shares In This Video


Gerg explains the kind of preparation you should do before your interview.

More About You

It's important to talk about yourself and not just about your music.


Be comfortable interacting with the host instead of making them carry the show.


Be on time. The host may have limited time, especially if it's a live show.

Research The Station

Know what the station or podcast likes and who their audience is. 

Share it!

Be sure to share the show on all of our social media and thank the host!
About The EXPERT

Gerg Anidem

Gerg Anidem founded, created and currently operates what has become a very popular "multi-genre" internet radio station, Indie Scene Radio, which has attracted over 1.2 million listeners over the last two years. Featuring music by both signed and unsigned independent artists from around the globe, he is dedicated to discovering and promoting what he feels is, the very best the independent music industry has to offer. Indie Scene Radio - All Indie All The Time.

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