How Can I Improve My Chances Of Getting On Playlists?

  • Andrew McCluskey
  • President
  • musicto Foundation
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Getting on various indie playlists alerts platforms like Spotify that your music is popular. That in turn often gets them to add you to their official playlists. And from there your music can climb the ladder of bigger and bigger playlists.

 In this video, founder, Andrew McCluskey explains the mistakes many artist make in submitting their music  to curators. He also shares how to increase your chances of getting added to indie playlists. 


Insights Andrew Shares In This Video

Artist Mistakes

Learn some of the major mistakes artists make when submitting to playlists. 

Key To Success

Find out the key to succeeding in getting curators to listen to you music.

Avoid Scams

Learn how to recognize and avoid bad playlisting services.

Winning Strategy

Discover a winning strategy for getting on your desired playlists.


Learn the importance of having accurate metadata for your tracks.

Learn about you can use to start getting on playlists for free.
About The EXPERT

Andrew McCluskey

The first visual memory I have is that of the white upright piano in Singapore, Hell and the Dark Forces lived at the bottom, Heaven and the Angels at the top, they would play battles through my fingers and I was hooked.

As a psychology graduate I studied how sound affects human performance.

As a musician I compose instrumental music that stimulates your brain but doesn't mess with your language centers, leaving you free to be creative and brilliant without distraction.

As a curator I research how music can improve your life and create flow - I can tell you what music to listen to when studying for a test and why listening to sad music can make you feel better.

As a creator / contributor at musicto I’m part of a global creator community that collaborates through music.  You can learn more about our community here:

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