musicto - A Nonprofit Connecting People Through Music And Artists To Playlists
Andrew McCluskey
musicto Foundation
Many artists put a lot of money and effort into getting playlisted. If you're using a legit service, that can be a very wise move. musicto, however, is a nonprofit ortganization that helps you get playlisted without it ever costing you a penny! At the same time the organization is connecting people around the world through collaborative playlists!
In this video, musicto founder, Andrew McCluskey explains how and why this unique program works for both artists and the public.
Insights Andrew Shares In This Video
What is musicto?
Learn about this unique program connecting people through music.
Helping Artists
Find out how musicto helps artists get visibility through playlists.
Submitting Songs
Learn how to submit your song for consideration on musicto playlists.
Why It's Free
Discover why musicto has chosen to make its services free to everyone.
Biggest Need
Learn what musicto needs to continue growing their community.
Spotlight Feature
Learn about how you can be spotlighted on the site with inks back to your website.