How Does Sync Licensing Work?

  • Sindee Levin Esq.
  • Entertainment Attorney


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Having a song placed in a film or TV show can give your career a serious boost, especially if it's a major production and the song is prominent. However, there are a lot of legalities that need to be sorted out and agreed upon in order for a sync placement to happen. 

In this informative video, Sindee Levin, Esq. talks about how sync licensing works and what is included in sync agreements.


Valuable Information Sindee Shares In This Video


Learn what the purpose of a sync livense really is. 

Parties Involved

Learn who actually needs to sign a sync license and why.

The License

Find out what information is documented in a sync license.

The Money

Learn how artists and songwriters are compensated for a film or TV placement.

Sync Libraries

Learn the role of sync libraies and some pros and cons of using them.

Red Flags

Learn how to recognize when a proposed placement is not on the up-and-up.

Sindee shares a lot more critical information!

About The EXPERT

Sindee Levin, Esq.

Sindee Levin is an entertainment attorney whose credentials include business affairs, music publishing, mechanical collection and an extensive private practice. A noted expert who speaks at conferences and panels nationwide, she is a well-versed authority on international as well as domestic business models.

Her legal career began at the firm of Wyman, Bautzer et al , a firm that represented MGM/UA Pictures among other mega-clients. The breakthrough Taylor Hackford film, La Bamba, was a prediction of Levin’s future axis of music and cinema. “La Bamba foreshadowed my career in many ways,” she notes. “I was doing film and music and clearances, and later I ended up representing the Estate of Eddie Cochran.” La Bamba director, Taylor Hackford, became an executive at New Visions Pictures where Ms. Levin was appointed Vice President of Business Affairs. This position was a direct conduit to her own endeavors, working with a hierarchy of film companies to leverage their music publishing catalogs.

In 1998, Levin acquired American Mechanical Rights Agency, Inc. “I discovered the company while tracking royalties." AMRA handled licensing of copyrights with record companies; issued licenses, monitored accounting and payments; issued synchronization licenses. In the ever shifting world of global transmission, AMRA offered expert guidance through all emerging technologies and new media formats. AMRA was sold in 2014 to Kobalt Music. Sindee Levin is at the forefront, a well-respected authority that insures her clients will be fairly compensated for their creative efforts.

“Lawyers know how to make publishing deals, but they do not know how to really get their clients paid. If I’m your representative I will protect your interests.“


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