How Do I Develop More Confidence Onstage?
Tom Jackson
Tom Jackson Productions
Live Music Producer
Write your awesome label here.
It's great to be extremely talented. However too many competent singers and musicians lack confidence when they step on stage. Nervousness kicks in and they forget words, fumble chords and just look awkward. And the audience can sense it.
In this video from around 2010-11, Live Music Producer, Tom Jackson, explains what it takes to be extremely confident on stage and put on the show your audiences will forever cherish.
Tips And Advice Tom Shares In This Video
Lack Of Confidence
Why some people have little or no confidence on stage.
Learn what the true impact is on your sudience when you're nervous.
The Audience
Understand what your audience sincerely wants from you and how to deliver it.
Confidence & Authority
Learn how to come across with the utmost confidence on stage.
Learn how to develop charisma onstage so your audience gets and stays engaged.
Learn how taking risks on stage can benefit you tremendously.