How Do I Choose The Right Music College? 

  • Dr. David Fish

  • Music Educator
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For many aspriring and active artists When it comes to choosing how you plan on furthering your music education, the choices are plenty! You can self-study, go to a community college, go to a school that specializes in one area (e.g. such as production), go to a college that has a music program or choose a university whose focus is only music.  Then you can choose between studying mostly classical and jazz or studying modern music.

In this video, Dr. David Fish, the founder of College Music Major, walks you through your choices and how to decide which one is the best fit for you.


Tips And Advice Dr. Fish Shares In This Video

Setting Goals

Learn how to set the goals that will enable you to whittle  down the options.

Choices You Have

Learn about the different types of formal music education available to you.

Mitigating Cost

Learn how to possibly reduce the cost of attending the college of your choice.


Leartn the major benefits that come from attending a reputable music school.


Dr. Fish explains the misconceptions that many people have about music colleges.


Learn the varying characteristics of different schools that can help you decide.
About The EXPERT

Dr. David Fish

Dr. David Lee Fish, Ph.D., is a veteran figure in music and education whose extensive career spans decades of dedication and hard work. He is known for his unique approach to music and his commitment to sharing his passion with others. His expertise ranges from performance to education, and private consulting, making him a veritable renaissance man in the music education sector. He is the co-founder and a past president of the Association for Popular Music Education.

Doctor Fish served as the Senior Consultant and COO for Inside Music Schools and is a member of the Independent Educational Consultants become pros onstage.

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