What You Need To Know Before You Hire Someone To Pitch Your Music To Film Or TV
Tsilimparis -
Film/TV Composer
Music Supervisor -
Cutting Room Music
Write your awesome label here.
Getting your song into a film or TV show can give you a huge career boost. Unfortunately, there are countless scammers who prey on unaware artists who crave that kind of success and notoriety.
In this video, composer and music supervisor, Adonis Tsilimparis talks about what you should know before you hire a music sync company or individual to pitch your music to film and TV.
Important Insights Adonis Shares In This Video
Red Flags
Find out what the main red flags are when searching for someone to pitch your music.
Find out how sync services (and music supervisors) get paid.
What's At Risk
Find out what the risks are when getting involved with dishonest services.
Learn when the pressure to sign with a service is warranted and when it's not.
What To Provide
Find out what a sync service might need you to provide to them.
Checking References
Learn some simple ways to detwrmine if the person you're speaking with is legit.